Title: History Taking in Geriatric Patients – A Case of Osteo-Arthritis
Presenter: Dr Shiva Prasad, MBBS, MSc, PGDGM
Schedule: On 6th April 2015 at 11:00 AM at Hyderabad, India

As the nuances of history taking in a pediatric patient differs from an adult case, similarly the nuances of history taking in a geriatric case is also quiet different. This is may be due to various reasons like loss of memory, waning senses of hearing, perception, unusual presentations, multi-morbidity etc. This webinar is a crisp discussion on this.

Dr Shiva Prasad, MBBS, MSc, PGDGM

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Web-browser: Modern Web-browser with Adobe Flash plugin installed
Internet Bandwidth: 512Kbps minimum, 2Mbps recommended

History Taking in Geriatric Patients - A Case of Osteo-Arthritis

Questions based on Live Session on History Taking in Geriatric Patients – A Case of Osteo-Arthritis.

The moment we are aware of the difficulties of history taking in an elderly person, we will be extra patient and accommodative of our elderly patients and cautious and vigilant in our clinical maneuvering.

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