Ex toto non sic pueri ut viri curari debent (In general, boys should not be treated in the same way as men )- Celsus
According to WHO, almost 19,000 children under five years of age are dying every day across the world. India tops the list of countries with the highest number with around 18 lakh such deaths annually. For India, despite it being one of the fastest growing economies, there has been no visible pattern between per capita income growth and the rate of reduction of child mortality rates. One-third of all malnourished children live in India. Of the 26 million children born in India every year, approximately 1.83 million children die before their fifth birthday.
More than two thirds of the infants die in the very first month of life. 90%of these deaths are due to easily preventable causes like pneumonia and diarrhea.
Every child has the right to survive. We can reduce the numbers of children dying from easily preventable causes. Most of the children who die each year could be saved by low cost, evidence-based, cost-effective primary care practices such as vaccines, antibiotics, micronutrient supplementation, insecticide treated bed nets, improved family care and breastfeeding practices, and oral rehydration therapy. These low cost primary care interventions could reduce neonatal mortality by up to 70 per cent. General Practitioners have a very important role to play in reducing the neonatal mortality.
To address this important problem, IMA eVarsity has launched the Fellowship in Primary Care Paediatrics to equip the General Practitioners with the latest clinically relevant information, and to mentor them in competently handling all aspects of paediatric disease.
The One year Fellowship in Primary Care Paediatrics aims at providing a General practitioner with comprehensive up-to-date knowledge and skills in the prevention and diagnosis and treatment of paediatric disease in their clinical practice.
At the end of this course, the General Practitioner will be able to provide better primary paediatric care. They will acquire the following knowledge and skills:
Recognised the need of the hour, of turning graduate doctors into family physicians, who thrive on building relationship with the patients and family, rather than treat them as numbers, IMA eVarsity has specially crafted these courses for experienced practising doctors – doctors who could not take up post graduation for whatever reason, doctors who are so busy with their practice that they do not find time to attend continuous medical education. These courses are made available for the MCI-registered doctors.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Taking leaf from Winston Churchill’s philosophy of “always ready to learn although … not always like being taught”, IMA eVarsity is transforming medical education by garnering learning empowered by the interactive platform of digital technology. IMA eVarsity model of blended education integrates best practices of ‘chalk and board’ with emerging technologies, purporting to make mockery of fragmented medical care, that is the bane of the rising costs of health care today!
The IMA eVarsity offers best of the models of blended education through online lectures, with the convenience of self-study at one’s own pace, time and place, complemented by online faculty interactions and clinical exposure through hospital rotations.
A rich learning environment is provided through the SmarTeach Learning Platform with access to:
Fellowship in Primary Care Paediatrics follows a set pattern of formative online assessments. Following are the types of assessments/examinations that each candidate is subjected to:
Month-end and Semester-end assessments are part of formative assessment and constitute 60% of final score, the balance 40% being covered by the final examination.
Course-end exam: The final exam, consists of 40 to 50 MCQs.