Family medicine is a health system, where primary care is the backbone and family doctors are the bedrock, delivers the best health outcomes, at the lowest cost, and with the greatest user satisfaction. – Dr Margaret Chan, Director-General of the World Health Organization
Family medicine is a subject that provides comprehensive care to individual families & communities by integrating biomedical, behavioral & the social sciences.
“There are 57 different specialists to diagnose and treat 57 different varieties of diseases, but no physician to take care of the patient”–so very aptly said by one physician, when asked to comment on the decline in the number of family doctors.Dr Margaret Chan, Director-General of the World Health Organization endorses Primary care as our best hope for the future. Family doctors are our “Rising stars for the future”Expert Physicians with rich clinical experience across India were invited to develop the course.
Addressing the felt need
The 1year fellowship course in family medicine has been developed to cater to just such felt need.The course focuses on building the knowledge of primary care physicians and on enhancing their skills; not merely awarding certificates. Given the busy schedules of practitioners and high drop-out rates in distance and online education, the course is so structured and the content so developed as to keep it self-motivating, comfortably paced and practice-relevant, thus sustaining student interest throughout until successful completion of the learning.
Course Objectives
The objective of this focused learning is to empower, enrich and upgrade general physicians (who come from diverse rural to semi-urban back grounds): with the latest subject material, with clinical expertise and skills, with practice guidelines and procedures; and guidance in dealing effectively with all kinds of patient presentations and complications. At the end of the Course the learner will be able to :
*Screen for and Diagnose most commonly occurring diseases in a day to day practise in the early stages.
*Treat the disease with professional competence so as to prevent and retard its progression and complications.
*Educate and counsel patient & family on prevention of various diseases and its progression.
The learners’ profile requires the content to flow in an intuitive way so any general physician or science graduate with a minimal computer knowledge can negotiate the Course with ease.
Our curriculum design is therefore matched to a third-world practice context, yet incorporating evidence-based medical practice norms set to global standards.
Course Design: Blended learning.
There will be a weekly roll out of Audio-visual lessons and two-monthly clinical/ practical/skill postings.
The content compiled reflects the broad core of knowledge required by a family physician.
Inputs from other experienced specialists were taken for relevant areas of learning.
The course progresses from easy to difficult: first covering the daily-encountered cases, building up complexity gradually toward the critical cases (emergency/complicated/co-morbid).
The course ends with recent advances related to the subject, and gives the learners insights into current trends and future prospects in the field
Target learner group
Semester 1Family Practice
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Medicine and Allied Subjects
Surgery and Allied Subjects
Semester 2Pediatrics
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Medicine and Allied Subjects
Surgery and Allied Subjects
After successful completion of the course the student shall be issued a Certificate of Fellowship in Family Medicine.
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